Why You Should Paint Before Listing Your Home

In general, realtors and other real estate professionals will recommend that you paint your house before you allow potential homebuyers inside. The reasons are self-explanatory:
Your home will look newer. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for any room in your house, from the kitchen to the master bath to the living area. Even if your house is 100 years old, paint can completely transform it.

In general, realtors and other real estate professionals will recommend that you paint your house before you allow potential homebuyers inside. The reasons are self-explanatory:
Your home will look newer. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for any room in your house, from the kitchen to the master bath to the living area. Even if your house is 100 years old, paint can completely transform it.

Homebuyers can envision their furnishings in your house. When a homebuyer walks into your property, you want them to be able to visualize how their favorite items and treasured pieces will look in the spaces. A fresh coat of neutral paint can be a canvas for that type of envisioning process.
Staging will be easier. Will your realtor be staging your home rather than using your own items to decorate the rooms? Staging is much simpler when a streamlined color palette has been chosen and applied to the walls and ceilings.
Painting Tips for Selling a House
Before any paint touches your home’s walls, keep these hints in mind:
Neutrals really are a good idea. You might love bright colors and textures, but homebuyers won’t necessarily appreciate or share your taste. Since you’re not planning on living in your house much longer, save the stronger hues for your new property and choose warm neutrals for the walls of the house you’re selling.

Hire a professional to get the job done. Not only will the finished product look better than if you had painted yourself, but it will probably have a better chance of getting done on your preferred time schedule. Plus, you’ll be able to spend your time on other aspects of prepping your home for sale.

Air out your home before your first open house. No one wants to smell new paint when they walk into a house. Make sure you clear the air thoroughly so no fumes remain. Usually, it only takes a few days for paint odors to wear off. Your painting expert can help you determine how to best reduce the smells associated with new paint jobs.
Korth & Shannahan can help you get top dollar for your home with our home selling package. Power wash the outside, touch up the interior & replace any damaged wood. Call us today for a free estimate.