4 Important Things to Think About Before Moving Into Your New Home

Moving into a new home is a life experience that few people describe as “fun.” But with our tips for things to do before you move in, you’ll be ready when the furniture arrives.
The move from start to finish can totally consume you for a long time: planning, packing, moving, cleaning. When you arrive at your new home, you’re faced with even more challenges. The last thing you need is one more big decision or another major project. But doing some work on your new home right away will make moving in feel great. Choose the projects that are the most pressing. If you can’t face paint decisions for every single room, then just do the rooms where the decisions are easier.

Whether you do the work yourself or hire someone to do it, it’s a lot easier to paint an empty room. There will be no need to move furniture, take down draperies, clear out the closets, or take every picture or mirror off the wall. Allow several days to repaint before the movers show up. Painting even part of the house before you move in can be a terrific time-saver. If you can’t decide on colors, then just have everything painted a clean white, modern grey, a pretty light beige, or another background color you love — depending on what works best with your furniture and color schemes. Once the major patching, priming, trim work, and base coats are in, adding another wall color at a later date will be a snap.

Crown Molding
Does anyone not love the look of crown molding? It’s a wonderful luxury to be able to install molding around the whole house all at once before you move into your new home. Be sure to prime and pre-paint the strips of molding before installation, just before painting the interior walls. You may need to do some touch-up at the joints and nail holes, but that’s a lot easier than standing on a ladder for days trying to paint three coats of paint on the molding near the ceiling!
Locks and Keys
You’ll never know how many keys are floating around for your new home unless you get new locks or re-key the existing locks. The previous owners may have given a key to neighbors, workmen, relatives, or cleaning services, and you’ll get some peace of mind if you get new ones. This is a project to do just before or soon after you move in.

Closet Systems
Having things organized in your new home will really make you feel great. You’ll love wonderful systems with double-hanging poles, drawers, and shelves up to the ceiling. If you wait until later, you’ll have to take everything out, pile your clothes in stacks on your bed or floor and live out of suitcases for a day or two until the closet fittings can be installed. No matter when you choose to do it, professional installers can be in and out in a jiffy. If you do some measuring in your new home before you move in, you can plan ahead and choose and buy your closet components ahead of time.
Have some new creative design ideas in mind for your new home? We can help! Call our office today.