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Wooden Stairs
Greenery outside the mansion

Inspecting your home on a regular basis and following good maintenance practices are the best way to protect your investment in your home. Regular seasonal maintenance can prevent quick fixes from becoming costly repairs. If you do not feel comfortable performing a task or do not have the proper equipment considered hiring a qualified professional to assist you.

  • Clean the gutters.
  • Check downspouts and splash blocks. Water should flow freely away from the house.
  • Check smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace batteries.
  • Ensure doors and windows close tightly. Repair or replace weatherstripping as needed.
  • Remove screens, clean, and repair them before putting them away. Replace with storm windows.
  • Check to side. Caulk and repair as needed.
  • Clean patio furniture and barbeque before storing for the winter.
  • Paint or seal decks. Inspect and repair any damage or rot to minimize the need for major repairs come spring.
  • Check railings and steps to make sure they are safe and secure.
  • Cover outside air-conditioner units and shut off the power.

Call the Korth Painting Team Today
