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Discover Answers to Your Common Home Painting Questions

Korth & Shannahan Painting and Carpentry is Westchester County’s leader in interior and exterior residential painting services. Since 1979, we’ve completed thousands of jobs throughout New York. Throughout that time, our painting professionals have stayed up to date on the latest design trends and technology to deliver exceptional results, all while staying within our project deadline and budget. Our painters have accumulated their knowledge through training and experience, making us the go-to company for interior and exterior painting. Learn more about interior and exterior painting services. Then contact us today to schedule your estimate.

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Choose the Knowledgeable Professionals In Westchester County, NY

Throughout Westchester County, New York, homeowners choose Korth & Shannahan Painting and Carpentry for all their interior painting services because we’re the local leader they trust. We deliver long-lasting and beautiful results with a team of highly trained painting professionals and high-quality materials. Let our work transform the interior or exterior of your home with our painting services. Contact us today to get started with a project estimate.

Call the Korth Painting Team Today
